Friday, 4 September 2009

September already!

My goodness the 'summer' has flown by, probably because we haven't had much of a one! It's been such a shame that the summer holidays had such changeable weather and not a lot of sunshine!

MAIL ART ... It's reveal day on the Stitch and Stash board, . Mine took a week to arrive at it's destination, but it arrived in one piece and Bec's liked it :) unfortunately I haven't received one yet so I'll show the the one I did

I tried to leave enough room for the stamp and the recorded delivery sticker, which is enormous lol. I'm glad to say they managed to be placed with out encroaching on the stitched area.

My daughter Cindy, chose the 'sunshine' yellow for the inside as it was summery she said lol

We were supposed to enclose a card, and the one I stitched and made up, didn't fit .... note to self: check the size before you make the card! So I enclosed a stitchers note book instead, which I forgot to photograph.

I'd like to take part in another exchange like this, it was (is) very exciting waiting for the postman to arrive to see if they arrive in one piece lol This was a first for all of the ladies taking part and I know I would change some things a little bit for the next one, but that's the best part, learning as you go :)

Janine is on the look out for another horse. She thought about it and decided that it was silly to leave all the equipment that she'd bought for Niko, just lying around as it cost a lot of money. She's also still got the stable free, so she's looking for another one. And so it starts again, mum driving her miles around the West Midlands looking at horses!! lol ... I don't mind, she's been through such a lot, I just want her to be happy again.

I had a phone call from the Ass. Director of Looked after children and young people, on Tuesday. I'd written a letter saying how upset I was about the lack of support, and she said all the usual 'suck up' phrases that I usualy get ... 'Oh we don't want to lose you, your too valuable' .... 'You do such a fantastic job, we wouldn't want to lose you' ... 'We'll do all we can to support you' ... So we'll see what comes of her promise to talk to both team managers to see what can be done. I'm not holding my breath!!

I went to see a friend of mine yesterday, a fellow fostercarer but with a different county. She has two foster babies at the moment, one 7 months and a two week old new born. It was lovely having a cuddle but I don't envy her the sleepless nights lol



  1. Lovely mail art piece Lynn. :0) Hope the search goes well. Sounds like the fostering folk need reminding that mouthing platitudes aren't enough - actual support is what's needed & I hope you do get it.

  2. Good Luck to Janine on the search for a new four legged friend.

    Gorgeous mail art, will you join the Xmas one??

    MMMM johnsons baby powder, love the smell but not sure i could do the sleepless nights again either!!

  3. Great job on the mailart. That's one i haven't ried it yet, looks so difficult to me.


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