Saturday, 23 May 2009

I'm not ignoring you!

I'm having a difficult job with blogroll . It won't let me put posts on your blogs. I managed to get one on Jacqui's this morning and thought 'Yeah I'll go back to the others now' but it just isn't playing the game.
I can put posts on my blogs .... obviously! ... but blogroll just won't let me play with you any more.

So ... to all of you with wonderful stitching HD's , WELL DONE THEY'RE LOVELY I get so inspired when I see your fabulous finishes, but some how mine don't look as good as yours lol

... to all of you with news to share about your holidays, children, house moves, and life in general I'm enjoying reading about them and send my best wishes to you all.

Love Lynn x


  1. Sounds similar to the problem I had with your blog a while ago - that just seemed to fix itself, so hope blogroll fixes itself soon. :0)

  2. Technology can be such a pain sometimes!!!!

    Hope it fixes itself soon for you.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, I hope you've enjoyed my ramblings :)